The New Jersey Division on Civil Rights proposed new regulations earlier this year, allowing employers to place their required posters on the internet or intranet. Typically, this would be placed on a bulletin in the workplace. The DCR potential regulations allow employers to satisfy the state’s Law Against Discrimination (LAD) and Family Leave Act (NJFLA).
What The Act Entails
The regulations proposed creating a new annual LAD and NJFLA notice distribution requirement. The regulation became final on August 1st. One of the significant requirements, according to SHRM, is, "In the event that an employer has an internet site or intranet site for use by its employees to which all employees have access, and the employer customarily posts notices to affected employees or other affected individuals electronically on the site, posting of the official LAD and NJFLA posters."
Employers must post their posters and distribute a copy to each employee. This can be completed annually, on or before December 31st. This must also be completed upon employee request. Another way to receive the posters can be through email delivery. While the process is available online, printed materials may still be delivered. This can be done through paycheck inserts, brochures, or information packets.
The posting requirements are similar to the following notices:
- The state gender equity
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Conscious Employee Protection Act (CEPA)
- Family leave insurance
Ensuring that your business stays up on regulatory changes is vital. It can become an overwhelming process amongst other daily tasks. When you lean on GMS, the process is simple. Our HRIS systems allow your employees access the tools and materials they need. Contact us today to learn more!