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New Arizona Workers' Compensation Law Small Business Owners Need To Know

New Arizona Workers' Compensation Law Small Business Owners Need To Know

On September 24th, 2022, Arizona Senate Bill (SB) 1403 took effect. Following the effective date, the Arizona workers’ compensation statute will be amended to add section A.R.S. § 23-1061(N). The purpose of SB 1403 is to outline the reporting requirements related to when an insurance carrier or self-insured employer receives written notification of injury from an employee who was injured on the job and intends to file a compensation claim.

Understanding The Provisions 

The provision requires an insurance carrier or self-insured employer, upon receipt of written notification of injury from an employee who was injured and intended to file a compensation claim, to:

  • Forward the written notification of injury and intended claim for compensation to the Industrial Commission of Arizona (ICA) within seven business days
  • Inform the employee of the employee's requirement to file a claim with the ICA

Additionally, the new provision suspends the one-year deadline by which an employee or other entitled party may file a claim after the insurance carrier or self-insured employer receives written notification of the injury and intended compensation claim. The deadline for forwarding the written notice to the ICA is the date the insurance carrier or self-insured employer receives the written notification.

Failure to report by the insurance company and the self-insuring employer could relieve the injured workers of their requirement to file the claim within one year under A.R.S. & 23-1061(A). The new form for insurance companies and/or self-insuring employers to file a written notification can be found here.

Stay Up To Date By Partnering With GMS

At GMS, we understand the complexity of staying up to date with ever-changing rules and regulations. In addition, we know how expensive workers’ compensation claims can be if they aren’t handled correctly. The formula for determining your company’s workers’ compensation rates is complex, but the concept behind it is simple – the more claims that your employee’s file, the higher your rate will be. The good news is that GMS partners with businesses to control their workers’ compensation insurance rates and protect them from costly claims. Ready to partner with a company that provides you with workers’ compensation experts that ultimately save you time and money? Contact us today and get your workers’ compensation risk under control.

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