Sexual harassment is defined by the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) as, “unwelcome sexual advances or requests for sexual favors and comments, jokes, acts, or other verbal or physical conduct that is of a sexual nature or directed at employees based on their sex.” Unfortunately, sexual harassment within the workplace is quite common.
Studies show that 38 percent of women and 14 percent of men reported experiencing sexual harassment in their work environment. Knowing this, it’s vital to implement sexual harassment training within your business to ensure the safety of your employees.
The Importance Of Sexual Harassment Prevention Training
By providing harassment prevention training, you’ll raise awareness throughout your business about what harassment is and how employees can contribute to a harassment-free workplace culture. It’s vital to create a workplace culture where employees feel supported. By educating employees, they’ll be able to understand better what sexual harassment is and how to identify it should it happen within their workplace.
Unfortunately, sexual harassment, sexual assault, and a hostile work environment is an everyday reality for individuals. It’s never desirable to experience this type of behavior, but work is the last place where you would have to endure it.
States Mandate Training
Eight states and cities within the United States require businesses to provide sexual harassment training, including California, Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Maine, New York, New York City, and Chicago. Click here to learn more about each state’s requirements. Let’s look at the state of California and the requirements employers must follow.
Sexual Harassment Training In California
In the state of California, any employer who has at least five employees must provide sexual harassment training. Additionally, every two years, all employees must complete the ongoing training. As a business owner, if you do not follow these requirements, you could face penalties for non-compliance, including:
- Liability - the company can be held liable for harassment if prevention programs are not in place.
- Employee complaints - employees can report companies for non-compliance.
- Employee perceptions - employees may feel the company doesn't care enough to provide training.
How To Facilitate Training
Since sexual harassment prevention training is essential in ensuring the safety of your employees, determining the right resources to implement the training is important. A learning management system (LMS) is a fantastic resource that provides your business with educational courses, training programs, and learning and development programs. It provides your employees with easy, online access to learning portals to complete their ongoing training, including sexual harassment training.
What Will You Do To Ensure The Safety Of Your Employees?
Since every state has its own rules and regulations, it can be challenging for a business owner to keep track of everything. However, your employees’ safety should be at the top of your priority list. At GMS, we give businesses access to cutting-edge technology through our LMS, GMS Connect, and expert support so that your employees are set up to succeed. There are many lessons available for ensuring your employees’ safety in training programs, such as sexual harassment prevention. In addition, there are countless of other online programs your employees can take, including safety, general information about your business, and more. Get in touch with us today.